Delivery of a reactor vessel

In 2015 Keen-Mark group of companies carried out the delivery of the reactor shell of 200 tons to the port of St. Petersburg. The delivery was carried out within the project with JSC Atomstroyexport. The reactor was consigned to Tianwan NPP-2, it was to be used in the construction of the fourth power unit of the NPP.
After loading of the reactor shell in the shop of the manufacturer, the cargo was moved on the modular trailer to the temporary storage site, then it was set in the specialized para-metrical bed by means of a gantry system.
The delivery of the reactor shell to the port of St. Petersburg was carried out by means of motor transport, special para-metrical bed was a part of a road train. Due to the weight and dimensional characteristics of the road train (99 meters long, weighing 660 tons), it was possible to deliver the cargo only to the 4 th area of the port.
This fact and the construction of the Western High-Speed Diameter motorway across the Sea Channel excluded the possibility of using of the floating crane DEMAG for loading operations. The only possible scheme of works was the direct loading of the cargo from the motor vehicle using the ship cranes of the charted vessel.
In order to fulfill the agreed scheme of the movement of the cargo and loading operations our specialists carried out preliminary works on preparation of special sites for standing time of the road train along the whole route of the movement on the territory of the port. The cargo was kept there during customs registration as agreed with customs authorities.
In cooperation with road services and port services the calculation of the stresses of the bridge constructions and mooring was fulfilled, the scheme of settlement of the road train on the loading front was agreed taking into account the capacity of the ship cranes.
In order to overcome the bridges which were not able to bear the calculated stresses, special modular flying bridge was used, it allows to transfer the whole weight of the road train from arch span of the bridges to the supports.